Monday, September 30, 2013

Sept 30, 2013

I love you all and hope all is well.
I dont have a whole lot to say other than the work is moving forward. I am working really really hard. And I am excited for conference this weekend. It is really hot. Thats lame. But its all good. I have had the chance to meet a lot of great people. Even though they dont really like the USA they love me. haha. 
I hope everyone is healing. I sure am. That article was amazing. Well done Jeff. Its amazing how the Atonement can work through others. Even when they arent involved and they probably arent even recognizing it. But they are no doubt instruments in the healing power of the Saviors forgiveness. The Savior knows what we need and how we need it. Amazing. 
Spencer and family. Think for just a minute. In 100 years non of us will even put a seconds thought into this. haha. Thats some good news right? 
No but seriously. Yes its hard. All of it. But try and focus only on the eternal percpetive of all of this. Like I know you all are doing anyway. 
I love you all and even though its starting to get pretty hot. All is good here. I love you all and keep being awesome. 

Elder Hadley

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