Monday, November 3, 2014

Nov 2, 2014

I have had the wonderful opportunity of seeing my faith grow immensely while here on the mission. As we know there exsists a HUGE difference between faith and faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ. As Elder Russell M. Nelson teaches us: "When we speak of faith—the faith that can move mountains—we are not speaking of faith in general but of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ."   

Faith in Christ is a principle of power. We as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints should do all that we can to improve the quality of our faith in Jesus Christ so that we may be able to have the power to overcome the trials that we are currently facing and will face in the future. 

Having the privilege of finding and teaching people about the Doctrine of Christ and seeing their lives change because of it has been a huge faith strengthener. By their examples I have been able to witness what the power of true faith in our Savior can do when it is applied. It gives us the strength beyond our own to do what needs to be done. I believe that "the faith that can move mountains" can be understood literally as well as symbolically. With faith in Christ and His atoning sacrifice we will have the capacity to move the spiritual and emotional "mountains" that all to often impeade us from remembering who we are and our potential. 

I testify of the power of faith. I know that faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ truly is the antidote for all fear, doubt, and sadness. I know that if we, like many of those that I have had the chance of teaching, apply the Doctrine of Christ in our lives our faith will increase and we will have the power necessary to overcome our hardships. 

I share my testimony with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Elder Hadley

This was my testimony I sent to Kennedy Syrie for her YW thing.....I hope its what she wanted....haha. Sorry I didnt send a family letter. Love you mom. Your letter from the box made me cry like a baby. hahaha.

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