Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 22, 2013

I will be short this week due to time. But not a lot happened this week. Just still working and working and working. haha. Life of a missionary. 
My health is great. Everything else is great. We have some great investigators with amazing stories. I will share some of those another time....maybe..
The weather is still hot and rainy. I still walk up and down stairs for 7 and a half hours. But its all good. haha. The ward is great. I still miss my first area but am enjoying it here. 
This work is true and The Book of Mormon is the word of God. 
I love you all and be safe. Again, sorry this is short. It was a pretty normal week on the mission. Always strengthening your testimony and always working hard. Hope all is well. 

Elder Hadley

July 15, 2013

Hey family,
So this week was a good one. Working with the new comp is different then with my trainer but thats normal right? Not everybody is the same. haha. Lots and lots and lots of stairs. All day everyday. But great great people here. I love the poeople in Salvador. So many want to hear the Gospel. 
So we did a service project this week that involved hacking down 6 feet tall shrubry with machetes. haha. It was legit. I was a freak. Me and Elder Swift, (My district leader) Hacked and hacked and hacked. haha. It was a blast. I sliced my thumb pretty good but It was on one of the shrubs or something. I think. But it got my pretty deep. Dont worry though. I used my little first aid kit. Its all good. haha. We worked a long time. 
I knocked on a door and was talking to a man he then asked what part of the states I was from. IN ENGLISH!! haha. So we talked in english and I taught and gave him a book of mormon. SOOOO much easier. haha. He is a lawyer that studied in South Carloina. He is a great guy but it was hard to get a hold of him this week because he works so much. BUt we arent giving up. 
We had some gret lessons this week where the Spirit was really strong. 
The Lord has really blessed me and helped me with the language. I am very grateful for that. 
The weather is on and off all day everyday. It will jsut pour rain on us for 20 minutes. Then fry us in the sun for an hour. Then get dumped on again. Then sun. Then rain. Then sun. So its not very fun but o well. haha. Not a big deal. 
I love you all and hope you are all being good. Mom I am going to the office today to see if I got your package. Again I love you all. And read your scriptures!!

Elder Hadley

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 8, 2013

Hey fam,
So this week was difficult. I miss Porto Seguro a lot and hope some day I can return and talk with the wonderful memebers of the church and all of the other people I had the privilege of meeting. 
So I am in Salvador. My area is Bandeirontes. It is litterally all stairs. I walk up and down stairs all day. Houses stackes on top of houses and really narrow alley ways to get to the houses. I will send some pictures when I can. But I kid you not. It is only stairs and really steep hills. Up and down. Up and down. My legs and behind are going to get huge. haha. 
Its a great ward. Our bishop is 32 years old and works harder than I have ever seen anyone work. Everyone on the mission says he is the best bishop in Bahia and possibly Brazil. I wouldnt doubt it. 
My new comp only speaks portuguese. He is from Belem. He is a convert to the church and has a great testimony. He works hard and I think we will work great together. I live with two other elders as well. Elder Gehring. who was in my district in provo mtc. And our DL Elder Swift. Those two guys are awesome. haha. We talk all the time. Elder Swift knows Spencer. He worked as a equipment guy for the football team when spence was a freshman. Great to talk a little football with someone. haha
My area is full of great people but also has some rough crowds. We try to avoid those areas but we have some investigators there so we have to go. Its all good. The Lord is looking after us. 
Last night we visited a man who was less active and he and I just chatted and we read the scriptures together. And it reminded him of how he felt when he read and how much he loves the Book of Mormon. Then gave him a blessing and he stood up and right away, I mean almost jumped up in the air (he is 72 years old) and loudly explaimed that he has never felt this way before. He feels like a different man. And vowed he would never miss church and never miss a day again reading in the Book of Mormon. 
This gospel is true and it touches peoples lives in a way that is difficult to explain. I am grateful for the chance I have to be here. Its tough but the Lord remembers His servants and helps us out. 
Tha language is continuing to progress. I love you all and hope you all are safe. Thank you for the updates. Keep being good. 

Elder Hadley

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 1, 2013

So not much to report this week. It was a normal week. The only
difference is I found out I am leaving to salvador. Transfer. I leave
tomorrow night on another 14-15 hour bus ride and its impossible to
sleep on those buses.
It will be hard to leave I have met incredible people and leaving
those that we have been teaching will be even harder. But they are in
good hands. The Spirit was really strong in a lot of our lessons this
week and I know that will continue no matter where I am.
The language has really taken a jump up. The Lord has really been
helping me and so have the people here in this area. Its nice to have
them all here. And the other Elders help a lot as well.
So I was studying the other night and found some scriptures I like a
lot. Ill share them with you.
DC 101
35 And all they who suffer persecution for my name, and endure in
faith, though they are called to lay down their lives for my sake yet
shall they partake of all this glory.

36 Wherefore, fear not even unto death; for in this world your joy is
not full, but in me your joy is full.

37 Therefore, care not for the body, neither the life of the body;
but care for the soul, and for the life of the soul.

38 And seek the face of the Lord always, that in patience ye may
possess your souls, and ye shall have eternal life.

DC 84
88 And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before
your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my
Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine dangels round about you, to
bear you up.

Loved these. and love you all. be safe

Elder hadley